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Make Wine and Spirits at Home 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
★★★★★ Attention: If you have ever wanted toexperience the pleasure, satisfaction & prestige that comes inmaking your own outstanding wine then this letter is for you. ★★★★★★★★★★ “Learn How To Make Wines & Spirits So IncrediblyFlavoursome & Delightful That No-One Could Resist A SecondGlass – Right From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!” ★★★★★Dear Fellow Wine Lover,Thanks for taking a few minutes to read this letter – If youhave ever wanted to learn how to make your own delicious wine &spirits (or discover the exact secrets to do it right) then this isone of the most rewarding letters you will ever read.You see, this eBook is simply the ultimate resource for anyonewho wants to learn how to make outstanding wines & spirits fromtheir very own home – whether they are a complete newbie or alreadyan experienced wine maker.Here is just a small sip of what’s in this vintage bottle:✔ The Basics Of Making Wine At Home – Exactly what you need toget started including a complete introduction for newbies who havenever tried to make wine before.✔ The essentials of home wine making & how applying somelittle-known secrets can transform your home wine from “nice” to“incredibly flavoursome.”✔ Which common utensils & equipment to use (you’ll almostcertainly have these at home.)✔ In-depth tutorials on The Art Of Fermentation, FermentationAides, The Clearing Process, Sterilization, Siphon, Bottling, HowTo Store Wine, Maturing, All About Yeast & Much much more (thebook itself is over 70 pages long.)✔ The “Natural Enemies” to successful wine making from home& how to stop them dead in their tracks.✔ Over 90 step-by-step recipes & tutorials on making thewine or liquor that you want to make – you just can’t find thislevel of depth anywhere else.✔ The common ingredients available at home that can be used whenyou can’t find the special ingredients that some wines supposedlyrequire.TABLE OF CONTENTS---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Getting StartedThe BasicsUsing utensilsThe art of fermentationFermentation aidesThe clearing processNatural enemiesSterilizationMaturingBrief, but important---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Yeast – and adding itMaking wine from Ribena tutorialExtract tutorialLiqueur green convent liqueur yellow conventCherry brandy wineVermouth (Italian)Vermouth (French)Cream of apricot wineCream of peach wineSloe gin wineRatafia wineKirsch wineMirabelle winePrunelle wineMarasquin wineMandarine wineGreen convent wineYellow convent wineReverendine wineRed curacao wineWhite curacao wineKummel wineDanzig wineEau-de-dieOrange wineLemon wineGrapefruit wineTangerine wineFlower wines and miscellaneous recipesWines from dried fruits and grainA word about tanninCanadian whiskyBravery’s own scotchRaisin winePrune portCurrant wineDried apricot wineDate winePrune and raisin vintageIrish whiskeyCreate your own wineWines from grapesLiqueurs✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: homebrewing, wine bottles, wine make, wine recipe
Six Pack Abs 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
✰✰✰✰✰ Want to loose the wobbly belly and get a rock hard Six Pack?…✰✰✰✰✰★★★★★ Discover The Secrets to the Best Abs Ever! ★★★★★Exclusive Offer!Never Before Revealed Information!Dear Friend,Do you want to have the body of your dreams, including six packabs that are sculpted and perfect? Do you look at other people onthe beach and envy their good bodies and wish that you had the bodyto wear the bathing suit you have always wanted? Have you triedstarving yourself and exercising, only to find out that you did notachieve any sort of results?You are not alone. There are a great many people out there whowould love to have perfect abdominal muscles. A flat stomach andperfect abs not only make you look nicer, but they make yourclothes fit better, too.There are plenty of abdominal machines and exercise gadgets thatpromise results, but fall flat. How much money have you wastedtrying to get the perfect abs, only to have some gadget sit in theback of your closet? This can be very frustrating, especially whenyou feel as though you are throwing your money away and not gettingresults.Most of these products fail because they only give you one wayto get to the abs of your dreams. And if this way doesn’t work foryou, you’re out of luck. But it seemed that all of the advice toget flat abs was geared towards buying some type of gadget or somemagic pill.The only advice….until now!…What if someone were to tell you that getting the perfect abs ispossible for anyone and can be accomplished by using a number ofdifferent techniques and methods? What if someone were to tell youthat there was a way that you could learn exactly how to get thesix pack abs of your dreams, step by step, by not only learningexactly how to exercise and diet, but also how to think?Well, say goodbye to those abs that are holding you back andstart looking forward to the summer at the beach because now thereis a way where you can find out the secrets that only a few peopleknow about how to get the six pack abs of your dreams…✔ The Complete Guide To The Best Abs Ever is Here!While other books gear you towards buying a product or aservice, this book actually tells you exactly what you need to doto get the six pack abs of your dreams. Getting a six pack andlooking good is easier than ever if you follow the instructions inthis book. This book does not just tell you what workout machinesto use, but how to think, what to eat, what not to eat and how toexercise to get the six pack abs that you have longed for but neverthought that you would get!✔ This is the only guide of its kind that tells you exactly howto get what you want…Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Chapter 1 – What Are The Perfect Abs?Chapter 2 – You Are What You EatChapter 3 – Crunches For Abs---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Chapter 4 – Leg Lifts For AbsChapter 5 – Levitating Lift For AbsChapter 6 – Cardiovascular Exercises For AbsChapter 7 – Weight Machines ForChapter 8 – Pilates For AbsChapter 9 – Change your routineChapter 10 – Using Enhancement SupplementsChapter 11- Keeping Your Firm AbsChapter 12 – The Psychological Factor✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!tags: ab workouts, fitness, exercises, bodybuilding
Anger Management 1.4
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From Frustration to focus to instant calm in amatter of Minutes....✰✰✰✰✰ "I don't get angry any more. My life is so peaceful now!"✰✰✰✰✰Anger has a sneaky way of making itself known in the mostuncommon of situations, which most often the person getting angrydoesn’t have any control over.Sometimes people don’t even know that they are angry untilsomething happens to trigger the sudden change in mood. If this hashappened to you, you may feel that there is no way to fix yourunderlying problem because you don’t know where it stems from.But this is simply not true. In fact, there is a new ebookavailable entitled, Anger Management: How to Stop Anger fromRuining Your Life” that can help you quickly and easilyrealize:✔ What anger isWhy you are experiencing the emotion in the first placeAnd what you can do to control it and keep it from ruining yourlife!Thats right, you no longer have to feel like you are at themercy of this powerful emotion. You can control it. All you need todo is to read the expert tips, tricks, techniques and secretscontained in “Anger Management.”Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this amazingebook:✔ 5 common “root causes” of anger – and how to stop lettingthese causes affect how you feel!✔ How to learn to appreciate what you do have control over,rather than stress yourself out about the things that you don’t –follow this advice and you’ll be amazed at how much of your angerproblem begins to quickly disappear!✔ How to cure your anger problem in six easy steps – followthese tips and you’ll put yourself on the fast track to feelinghappy and content!✔ How to keep your emotions from playing tricks on your mind –many times people get angry for reasons created by their feelings …find out how to put an end to that in a hurry here!✔ How to refocus the energy from your anger problem intosomething more beneficial such as volunteering – this way, yourenergy will be spent in a productive manner rather than a negativeone!✔ How substance abuse can affect your anger problem – plus, 11substances that anyone with an anger problem should stay away fromat all costs!✔ 6 common disorders that can cause anger problems – and how toknow when you should seek medical attention to determine if youhave one of these disorders✔ A simple breathing exercise that can quickly put an end to anyfeelings of being overwhelmed (which is a common cause of anger)you may have – after experiencing the effectiveness of thistechnique you're only regret will be that you didn't know about itsooner✔ How anger can strip you of your quality of life – ever heardof being “scared straight” reading these examples of anger gone toofar could do just that to you!✔ Why when it comes to anger, laughter is the best medicine –plus, five things you can do to get yourself laughingimmediately!✔ 11 tricks for dealing with your anger – learn to use these andyou'll be able to make yourself feel calmer and happier in notime!✔ How to teach yourself and your children to cope with anger –including three amazing techniques anyone can use to finally gaincontrol of their feelings and emotions!And much, much more, including:✔ How to identify someone with an anger management problem✔ How to deal with feelings of anger that arise during aconversation with someone✔ How anger negatively affects the body✰✰✰✰✰ Grab your ultimate Anger Management tool on your mobile,and access it wherever you are 24/7 ✰✰✰✰✰Tags: anger control, how control anger, control on anger,angermanagement control
Beekeeping 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
★★★★★ How to be a Smart Beekeeper ★★★★★★★★★★ FREE ★★★★★★★★★★ Never Before Revealed Information! ★★★★★Beekeeping can be a fascinating hobby or you can turn it into alucrative business. The choice is yours. You need to know somebasics to help you get started. The equipment needed to be abeekeeper. Where can you find the equipment you need? The bestlocation for the hives. You can't just put bees in any spot. Whatneeds to be considered when picking the location for your bees?The best place to get your bees. How do bees come in a package?Or do you have to catch your own? What are the challenges ofbeekeeping? What are the special needs of the bee that will ensurea good honey crop? Will there be a return on my investment intobeekeeping? You want to learn to be a beekeeper. You want to masterthe art of making honey. It is important to have the correctinformation needed to start your new hobby. Without information wewould all be floundering in the dark.Knowing where and how to start will prevent you from makingcostly mistakes. Where do you find the information you need to getstarted in beekeeping? When you do find the information, there are10 different books to read?How can you get it all in one place?You want the information to be easy to read simple to understandand all in one place. You need:An easy to read summary...And Beginner's Beekeeping BibleWith the Beginner's Beekeeping Bible you can learn to become abeekeeper. It will teach you the things you need to know aboutbeekeeping. How much do you know about bees? What they eat? Howabout what makes them sting?Do bees get sick? Why is the queen different? Answers to thesequestions and many more are included. There is plenty ofinformation on bees in this book.With this book you could turn your hobby into a business. Thereare many products made using the honey and the wax that beesproduce. The amount of time you spend on the bees only depends onyou and the needs of the bees at the time. Bees need to be checkedon periodically. Some times more than others and you will learnwhen those times are.Bees are fascinating creatures. They each have a job to do andthey do it. To find all of this information you would have to lookin several different places to find all the information found inthis book. Think of the time involved. Your time is more valuablethan that.Here is what you will learn inside this guide....✔ How to get started✔ Acquiring Bees✔ Clothes and Equipment Needed✔ Using pollen substitutes✔ Using Nectar Substitutes✔ Queen Bee Management✔ Raising Queen Bees✔ How to Handle Bees✔ Raising Bees in Suburban AreasAs you can see this book has much information to offer the beeenthusiasts. The book will tell the methods to use to handle thebees. The way the bees are handled can mean the difference betweena sting and no sting at all. Where else could you find so muchinformation in one location?✔ And a lot more!TABLE OF CONTENTS---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Getting Started in BeekeepingClothing and Equipment NeededAcquiring BeesQueen Management TechniquesRaising Queen Bees---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Using Nectar SubstitutesUsing Polen SubstitutesKeeping Bees in a Suburban AreaAbout Bacterial DiseasesAbout Viruses and Fungal DiseasesAbout the Disappearing BeesBee StingsThe Processing of HoneyEquipment Used for Honey ProcessingReferencesGrab it now for FREE with no catches.Tags: bee, bees, about bees, bee honey, honeybees, beekeeping,about beekeeping, beekeeper, bee hives
Happy Life 1.3
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O━┳┳┳ The Key to Find Your Passion and Turningit Money!Do you go to a job everyday that you cannot stand and know youare supposed to be doing something else with your life…★★★ Discover How to Find Your Passion and Turning it into aFortune! ★★★★★★★★ Exclusive Offer! ★★★★★O━┳┳┳ • Never Before Revealed Information!Dear Friend,Everyone has a purpose and you will know it if you are actuallyputting your passion to use every day and making a lot of moneyfrom it.No one should be unhappy with their daily lives. Many people putoff their passions because of obstacles in the way that they cannotseem to get past. You don’t have to put off your passions. You canget past the obstacles and there are many ways.What makes you happy is subjective. You won’t like the samethings as everyone else and vice versa. You have control over yourhappiness and when you learn how you can take control you will bevery successful. There are many things that you need to do and askyourself in order to truly understand what you passion is and howyou can work toward it.You can live out your dreams and your passions…There are ways to overcome obstacles and they are things you cando. You must have enough self discipline to be able to overcomethese things and you must really want it. If you are depressed orbored with your life it is time you start living out your truepassionYou can learn many things but the biggest benefits are how to behappy by removing barriers and living a wonderful life…★★★ The Complete Guide to Finding your Passion and Loving Likeis here ★★★Learn how you can remove barriers that are not healthy for youand stopping you from following your dreams. When you removebarriers you will finally be free and happy.If you really want to live out your passion you will need to domany things. It is entirely up to you and there are many things youcan focus on to help you become successful.Here’s a Few Things You’ll Learn in the “Loving Life” Guide…✔ How to achieve true happiness✔ How to use curiosity to your benefit✔ How to use creativity to your benefit✔ Learn what your true passion is✔ Learn about you and what you need to do to make it happen✔ How you can use your passion and put it to work✔ Making it a reality✔ And More…Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Chapter 1 – IntroductionChapter 2 – Happiness is a Choice You MakeChapter 3 – Questions to Ask YourselfChapter 4 – Peak Experiences and Existing Talents---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Chapter 5 – Using Curiosity & CreativityChapter 6 – BarriersChapter 7 – Goal SettingChapter 8 – Living Your PassionChapter 9 – Turning Passions & Goals into RealityChapter 10 – Final ConsiderationsChapter 11 – ConclusionTags: happy life, happiness, happy, life simple
Bonsai Trees Pro 1.0
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Try a Revolutionary New Approach to Plantingand Caring for your Bonsai Trees in matter of Days❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroductionBonsai HistoryBonsai StylesFormal UprightInformal UprightSlantingCascadeSemi-CascadeGrowing Indoors or OutdoorsBonsai Tool BoxGrow From Seeds or Buy Trees?Trees Best Suited For BonsaiWhat to Look For In Your TreePlanting the BonsaiPruning and TrimmingWiringWhen to WireWatering and FertilizingRepotting the BonsaiSeasonal CareDisplaying Your BonsaiThe Rest of the StoryConclusion✔ 88 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the Teach youAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within a minuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: plants, trees, bonsai, bonsai how to
Retail Business Profits 1.2
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Learn How To Attract New Customer and Keepthem coming Back Forever.★★★★★ How Would You Like To Get Your Hands On Part Of The“RICHES” Of The Retail Business Industry? ★★★★★★★★★★Do you want your very own business? One where YOU are theboss? No answering to anyone but YOURSELF!! ★★★★★O━┳┳┳ I’m here to tell you that working for yourself IS apossibility.If you want to feel excitement when you go to work… if you wantto feel confidence in yourself as you go about your day… if youwant to feel secure in life when you close your eyes to fallasleep… …it’s time to seriously think about starting your ownsuccessful retail business!Millions the world over have made that very same decision andare now enjoying all the benefits that go a long with it.You can make the decision to change your life today with…Retail Business Riches was written for YOU!Are you ready to make your own fortune with a business inretail?It takes someone with an entrepreneurial spirit. Someone whoknows that they want more from life – and is determined to makesure they get it. But other than that…Anyone can start his or her own retail business!If you’re searching for the freedom to be your own boss… Ifyou’re tired of being held in limbo by a fragile economy… If you’vealways dreamed of owning your own store, where you get to selectthe merchandise… …you can take control and enter the market withyour own retail business.It can happen. And the results are likely in your hands. I’m notgoing to promise you that if you listen to everything I say, you’llbe making 6 figures by next year. That would be… …absolutelyridiculous. But I will say this:If you read what I have to say – really think about it, andimplement the steps, techniques, and strategies that I have laidout for you… …your odds of being your own boss and leaving the ratrace behind by next year will increase exponentially! Your futureis in your hands.“Learn Step-By-Step, The Tasks You Need To Accomplish On YourWay To A Successful Retail Business!”In fact… Take a look here for a sneak peak of what you will findinside my information packed ebook:✔ 14 questions you MUST ask yourself if you’re consideringstarting a retail business.✔ 6 Reasons why you should start your own retail businesstoday.✔ Learn the one thing that will be the most important part ofstarting your retail business.✔ 1 Area of your business plan that you must know a LOT about ifyou are going to be successful.✔ The 3 major types of businesses you’ll have to choose fromwhen starting up in retail… and which is right for you.✔ How being conscious of your surroundings can help you pick thebest business for your area.✔ 2 questions to ask yourself when deciding what market toenter.✔ What you need to be aware of if you decide to open afranchise.✔ Why it is important to know your market before opening up yourown retail outlet.✔ 3 ways to test the demand of your market before setting upshop (and possibly wasting a lot of money).✔ 7 areas of owning a retail business that you must know, learn,or hire someone to know something about if you want success!✔ What you need to know about your competition to survive in thesame market.✔ And there’s MUCH more – guaranteed!Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----1. Is The Retail Business Right For Me?2. What Are The Benefits of Having My Own Business?3. No Business Plan = FAILURE!4. What Kind of Business Do I Want?---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----5. What Type of Business Should I Start?6. Who Is, What Is, Where Is Your Market?7. What CAN You Do?8. Who’s Your Competition?9. Registrations Permits and Licensing10. Location! Location! Location!11. How To Market Your Business12. Merchandising and Inventory13. Time To Get Started!✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Tags: marketing, retail, retail stores, small business
Positive Thinking Guide 1.2
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✰✰✰ Use the Power Of Positive ThinkingStarting Today ✰✰✰★★★ Who Else Wants To Learn The Hidden Secrets That No One HasBeen Telling You About A Better Life Through The Power Of PositiveThinking? ★★★O━┳┳┳ • This Isn’t Anything You’ve Ever Been Exposed To Before.You’re About To Be Handed The Key That Unlocks The Hidden SecretsOf How To Finally Have The Life You Dream Of…You’ve probably read every self help book out there andpurchased loads of self improvement courses on positivethinking…But they’ve always been missing something.Sure, you’ve been through the Positive Thinking steps, said thepositive statements in the mirror but they just aren’t working.That’s because you’re missing a secret ingredient that no onehas told you because they just don’t know it…★★★★★ You’re going to learn that secret today. ★★★★★Good news, you’re not going to have to pay a bunch of money orwait forever to learn the secrets of true success and…When You’re Family Sees The Change In You They Are Going To BeUtterly Shocked!✔ You’ll bear a new shine of confidence that’s contagious✔ You’ll be succeeding beyond your wildest dreams while enjoyingthe process!✔ Respect, Power and Happiness will finally be yours!It’s Quick, Easy And Step-By-Step to Positive Thinking.This manual is the condensed knowledge of 10 years ofconsistent, massive success.You’re going to learn what’s worked, what hasn’t with preciseexamples that show you how to copy those successes.Exactly What’s Inside This Manual?Inside the cover you will start on a journey to personal,emotional, and financial freedom with a system that isn’t lackingany key pieces of information.This is a complete system and is going to take you from day one,all the way to your success without leaving gaps in-between.Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----IntroductionPlanting your seeds---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Shoots and leavesOpening your blossomsFruition & harvestThe physical power of positive thinkingConclusionChecklist for the positive thinking processBibliography✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: be positive‚ happiness, attitude, confidence
ADHD Success 1.4
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✰✰✰ "This is the best complete guide on ADHDI've seen" ✰✰✰You will learn 1st hand from the hours of interviews from bothTellman and Stephanie who both have ADD (or ADHD).They will share with you:✔ The details about what ADD is✔ That for different people it manifests in different waysand much more...Attention Deficit Disorder is what ADD stands for. You may haveheard of it being called ADHD, or Attention Deficit HyperactivityDisorder. It’s really a common term for what I like to callcreative people. It’s a term to describe people who have troublewith focus, organization, prioritization, and who tend to getdistracted often.You might have heard things growing up like, “Why can’t you justsit still? Pay attention. You can focus when you want to. Why doyou leave half finished things all over the house? Why do you leavethe cabinets open?” These are all characteristics of people whohave Attention Deficit. Or, in the case of Tellman and I, we’re notinterested in putting labels on people.★★★★★ Grab it now! ★★★★★ No Catch!tags:add,adhd, stress,depression
Quit Smoking 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
Have you ever thought about quitting smoking,but either thought it was impossible or just simply wasn’t thatimportant? Research shows that most smokers do want to quit smokingand they are waiting for that auspicious day eagerly.But still ,quitting the smoking becomes impossible for them.They do try but again got caught in the same grip of an addiction.They want to get succeed but again find themselves standing on thesame point from where they have started their journey for a goodcause.This does not happen with one or two smokers. It is a case withevery other smoker. They are trying hard to quit it but are notcapable because of the love for nicotine. Nicotine is a deadly drugbut its addiction is very powerful.The fortunate thing is that thousands of people are successfullytrying to escape its grip and many have already succeeded. They aresame people who once have thought that they would not be able toquit. Finally they won over evil and turned their dream into thereality. Their determination has worked for them, it can work foryou too and I want to show you how.Introducing★★★★★ How to Quit Smoking! ★★★★★★★★★★ Everything you need to know to quit smoking is included inthis special report: ★★★★★✔ Advantages of Quitting Smoking and Disadvantages ofSmoking✔ Affect of Smoking on Mother’s Womb✔ Affects of smoking on your skin✔ How to educate your child about smoking✔ Tips for Good’bye smoking✔ How to handle the pain of not smokingI leave absolutely nothing out! Everything that I learned inorder to quit smoking I share with you!For example; did you know that around 1000 Americans are dyingeveryday because of smoking?One out of every six men is dying in United States because ofsmoking. It is quite clear now that smoking is one of the majorcauses of death. If you smoke then you are also enhancing thechances of diseases that will end up in death.You won’t want to miss out on this! Learn to quit smokingtoday!TABLE OF CONTENTS---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Getting Started in BeekeepingAdvantages of Quitting Smoking and Disadvantages of SmokingAffect of Smoking on Mother’s WombAll About SmokingBelieve in FactsCan Quitting The Final Cigarette Be a Bliss?Developing A Habit Can Be DangerousDo you still want to switch onto smoking after knowing these sideeffects?Do You Want To Free Yourself Of Heart Diseases?Does Smoking Rob You Of Your Facial Charm?Educate Your Child On SmokingEnjoy Life After Quitting SmokingExercise- a friend for whole life---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Expecting mothers-Quit smokingGetting Familiar With The Working Of SmokingGood Bye SmokingHandling the PainHookah: Another name of Smoking EquipmentHow Non Smoker Get Breast Cancer?How to Quit Smoking with the Help of Water TherapyHypnosis - The Best Way To Quit SmokingKill Your EnemyNow it’s Time to ThinkPositive Useful Tips to Help You to Get Rid Of SmokingQuit smoking- Mission Impossible and Making it possibleQuit smoking- Needs your determinationQuitting Smoking – A Personal AnalysisQuitting Smoking-Using ThoughtsReady, Steady and GoSay No to CigaretteSmokers and Ex-smokersSmoking - An Addiction or PhobiaSmoking - Making A Fool Of YourselfSmoking- A Never Ending ProblemSmoking: A nurturer or a destroyerSmoking and Connected DiseasesSmoking And PregnancySmoking Has Tendency to Affect Your SpiritsSmoking – More a Habit, Less a PleasureSmoking – Not a SolutionSmoking – The Game of NicotineThe Art of Quitting SmokingThe Deadly Secondhand SmokeThe Psychological TherapyThink About ItTips to Control SmokingTobacco – Not a Consumer ProductWant to Quit Smoking?Why We Cannot Quit Smoking?✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Tags: stop smoking, smoking, quit smoking ways, quit smokingtips
Law of Attraction 1.4
Geek Zeek Apps
O━┳┳┳ • "Let Your Thoughts Determine YourDestiny"✰✰✰ The Law of Attraction: Getting Everything You Want Out ofLife Through the Power of Your Own Mind. ✰✰✰Imagine for a moment that you have in your possession a sourceof complete and total power. You alone can command the warmth ofthe sun, the fall of the rain, the turn of the tides and thedirection of the winds. What would you do with this kind of power?Would you abuse it causing the world to fall into utter chaos?Would you be benevolent and merciful, using your power to help thepeople of your planet achieve their ultimate potential?Unfortunately (or fortunately, as the case may be) there is noway for a person to have that much power. Mother Nature controlsthe planetary systems according to her own rules and her owndesigns. You will never be able to have utter control over theenvironment you are inhabiting.What if you could, however, have the power to determine thecourse of your own life? What if you could accomplish great thingsand acquire great riches just by using the power of your own mind?What if I told you that this does not have to be a “what if?” Whatif I told you that you possess in your psyche the power to chartthe course of the rest of your life on whatever path you seefit?Chances are you would tell me that I had obviously been watchingtoo much Sci-Fi and needed to get out of the house more often, notto mention my obvious need to expand my vocabulary, considering thenumber of times I have used “what if” in this conversation. Youwould be wrong (about the Sci-Fi, anyway). Every person holds intheir mind the power to shape the events of their life to achievewhatever end they see fit. This power is what is known as the lawof attraction.---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Table of ContentsLegal DisclaimersIntroductionWhat is the Law of Attraction?The History of the Law of AttractionWhat is the Premise of the Law of Attraction?Positive VibesNegative VibesWhat Do Vibes Have to With the Law of Attraction?---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----How Can I Use the Law of Attraction?What Can the Law of Attraction Do for You?WorkLove and FamilyWhen Doesn’t the Law of Attraction Work?Common MistakesFive Common MistakesArguments Against the Law of AttractionScienceReligionHow Does the Law of Attraction Compare with Other SubliminalPrograms on the Market?Various Other Subliminal ProgramsIn ConclusionWhat is the Law of Attraction?The belief held by many theorists is that the universe isgoverned by a set of universal laws; these laws cannot be changed,cannot be broken and apply to every individual, regardless of ageor nationality. These laws are the riverbanks which guide the flowof their lives on its journey to its ultimate end.The law of attraction is one such law. The law of attraction isthe belief that anyone can determine their destiny through thepower of their minds.what is the secret, secret, the secret, law of attraction,whatis law of attraction, the book of secrets, laws of attraction,quantum physics, secret tv, rhonda byrne, dvd, secret quotes, bobproctor, esther hicks, jerry hicks, universal laws
Salesman Superstar 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
Ho to Be a Master Salesman in Business andLife Starting Today!★★★★★ Are You Memorable? Do You Make A Lasting Impression OnEach And Every One Of Your Customers? ★★★★★Regardless of what product you sell, there is a key ingredientthat must be factored into the equation to secure each sale. Youmust sell yourself, not just the product! Most people buy a productsimply because they liked the salesman—NOT necessarily because theywanted the product!People will remember you years from now if you are unique. Ifyou walk through the door with the same hum-drum message comingfrom every other salesman, chances are you’ll not only leaveempty-handed, but will never be remembered again.O━┳┳┳ In The Ultimate Salesman, I’m going to unlock the secretsbehind explosive sales for you. I’m going to expose the hiddenfacts that most successful salesmen will never share with you.Take a look at what’s between the covers:✔ Introduction to the Ultimate Salesman✔ Having a Positive Attitude✔ Starting Conversation with the Customers✔ How to Read the Customer✔ When and How to Ask to Buy✔ Creating Want in the Customer✔ Gaining Commitment✔ How to Overcome Objection✔ Taking Control✔ Using the Right Words at the Right Time✔ Closing the DealTable of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----IntroductionThe Power of Positive---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----The OpenerReading the CustomerWhen and how to ask to buyCreating want in the customerGaining commitmentHow to overcome objectionTaking controlClosing the deal✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: top salesman, good salesman, successful salesman, salesmanskills
Learn to Play Piano 1.3
Geek Zeek Apps
★★★★★ "Now you can play piano like a pro, andimpress my friends, I love it!"O━┳┳┳ • Professionally designed e-book, just slide to the nextpage, like a real bookYou get a professionally recorded audio that you can listen toon your mobile while you are on the go.✔ Learn chords✔ Learn improvisation✔ Learn to read musicA new fun way to learn to play piano with fun andcreativity.This "Learn to play the piano" (like a rock star) program,describes piano concepts in language you can understand, and easyto learn and apply.Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Chapter 1 - IntroductionChapter 2 – Familiarize YourselfChapter 3 – The Home Keys and A to GChapter 4 – Explanation of ScalesChapter 5 – Reading Music: IntroductionChapter 6 – The Lines and the SpacesChapter 7 – Written Piano Music and Rhythm---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Chapter 8 – Keys and Key SignaturesChapter 9 – Get It Together with ChordsChapter 10 – The Big Fake and ImprovisationChapter 11 – Sight-Reading Written MusicChapter 12 – Music Terminology for BeginnersChapter 13 – Finding and Choosing Music to PlayChapter 14 – Practicing on Your OwnChapter 15 – The Small Spotlight: Playing for Friends andFamilyChapter 16 – Playing for Public EventsChapter 17 – Tips for Beginner Piano PlayersChapter 18 – Lessons and Piano TeachersChapter 19 – Conclusion: Enjoyment That Lasts a LifetimeChapter 20 – Resources✔ Your all in one app for learning to play the piano like apro.✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: learn piano, play piano, piano lessons, piano tutorial
Outdoor Camping Recipes 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
It’s a fact that food just tastes betteroutdoors.Now with 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes, even campers whohave never cooked anything more complicated than S’mores can makegreat meals and snacks over the campfire.You no longer need to sacrifice eating well just because you arenot in your home kitchen. 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipesprovides you with 101 delicious, and easy-to-prepare recipes forbreakfast, lunch, and dinner that are sure to make you a hit aroundthe campfire.If you love to cook and you love the outdoors, then this is thecookbook for you. Order 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes and youwill get immediate download so you can start planning your nextcamping trip right away!O━┳┳┳ • 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes is delivered in PDFformat and is viewable on any computer. All you need is AdobeReader which is available free and already on most computers.Table of Content---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----20 Minute Hamburger Skillet StewAntiguan Charcoal Baked BananasAunt Sarah’s Chili SauceAustralian Grilled FishBackpacking Simple Food IdeasBaked Stuffed FishBest Peach CobblerBiscuit And Pancake MixBlackened FishBlazing Trail MixBox OvenBuckwheat Pecan Pancakes For CampingBurgers In FoilButtermilk BiscuitsCamp Au Gratin PotatoesCamp ChiliCamp Cobbler DelightCamp HashCamp PastaCamp PotatoesCamp Stew – Mr. B’s RecipeCamper’s Baked PotatoesCamper’s Buckwheat PancakesCamper’s CookiesCamper’s Sausage---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Camper’s StewCampers Hobo PieCampers Pizza PieCampfire BiscuitsCampfire Cinnamon CoffeecakeCampfire CoffeeCampfire FondueCampfire Fried RiceCampfire HashCampfire Pork And BeansCampfire RecipesCampfire StewCamping Seasoning MixCheesy Chicken RollsCherry Fudge GoodiesChicken In FoilCinnamon ApplesCoffee Can CookeryCorned Beef & CabbageDandelion SaladDutch Oven BiscuitsDutch Oven TroutEasy StroganoffEgg In A NestFlank Steak TeriyakiFoil DinnerFoiled Burgers Aka “Jack Special”Foiled ChickenFrying Pan CookiesGorpGreat Outdoors PotatoesGrilled Orange Egg CustardGrilled Sausage & Sweet Mustard In TortillasGrunchHobo PopcornHomemade GranolaHoney Granola BarsHoney Mustard Grilled ChickenHot CocoaHot Dog SurpriseIrish Soda BreadJim Weller’s Biscuit And Pancake MixKids Trail MixLazy Or “Dump” CobblerMeat Loaf (Camping)Mexican CoffeeMountain Man BreakfastNasturtium Tea SandwichesNever Fail DumplingsNo Bake Special K CandiesOne Pan BreakfastOnion Swiss SteakOnioned PotatoesPeach Cobbler -=- Dutch Oven StylePennsylvania Dutch Funnel CakesPizza BabyPizza Hot DishPolish Sausage And CabbagePower BarsPumpkin Indian CakesRice Krispie SquaresRoast CornRussian Tea #2S’moresSaskatoon PemmicanShort RibsSioux Berry StewSizzlin’ Beef KabobsSpaghetti Carbonara [Hiking Version]Sticky BonesTexas Grilled Steak W/ Texas Sweet OnionsTwistersVenison GoulashWelcome Home Creamed Chipped Beef✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: camping gear, dry food, camping supplies, simplerecipes
Garden Landscape Design 1.4
Geek Zeek Apps
✰✰✰ Neighbors and Friends will be Envy of YourNew Garden ✰✰✰★★★★★ "All my neighbors are now envy of my new garden, and I'vefound many new neighbors friends as a bonus""Garden Design Secrets Your Landscape Contractor Doesn't WantYou to Know" is a roadmap for both novices and experiencedgardeners in search of new, fresh ideas.You'll discover simple, step-by-step instructions for:✔ How to accurately assess your existing yard✔ Deciding you goals✔ Establishing your priorities✔ Stealing ideas for your gardens✔ Mastering the essential elements of garden design✔ Plotting your dream garden✔ Making perfect plant choices right from the start✔ Preparing your garden bedsThere is no right or wrong garden. But there are right and wrongways of going about creating one. Mistakes cost time and money -and can frustrate amateur gardeners to the point where they simplygive up or lose interest.Revealed! Tips the Experts Use to Get More Done in Less Time"Garden Design: Secrets Your Landscape Contractor Doesn't WantYou to Know" will tell you:✔ Where to get FREE plants four times a year✔ How to use color to camouflage an eyesore✔ What the rarest color in the garden is, and how best toincorporate it into yours✔ Little-known secrets for squeezing blood from a turnip in theyard✔ Which dirt-cheap and dramatic perennial can be planted at2-week intervals for color from early summer to late fall✔ The one simple trick that can reduce your weeding by 90percent✰✰✰✰✰ Grab your copy now and take your garden by the roots andimpress yourself and your neighbors for FREE! ✰✰✰✰✰tags: garden, gardens, landscape, patio
Garden Landscape Design Pro 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
Discover a Revolutionary Approach to GardenLandscape Design to Having a Great Looking Garden and Happy StressFree Life in a matter of Days❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:Table of ContentsGarden Planning: What’s in it for Me?The Crucial Missing LinkPlanting Flowers vs. Designing a Garden?Eight Steps to Designing a Garden of Your DreamsAssessing What You HaveHow to Assess Your YardTo Build a PanoramaTransfer the Existing Landscape to Graph PaperHow to Plot Your Yard on Graph PaperPut Your Thoughts on PaperEssential Decisions: Determining Your NeedsWhat is the Purpose of the Gardens?Garden TypesFormal GardensFoundation PlantingBorder GardensCottage GardensWalkway GardensLamp Post and Mailbox Gardens (Fixture Gardens)Tree GardensWoodland GardensShade GardensRock GardensPonds and Water GardensContainer GardensWindow BoxesWildlife GardensIsland GardensEvening (Moon) GardensTropical GardensFour-season GardensCutting GardensFragrance GardensVegetable GardensHerb GardensSetting PrioritiesMy Top Three Gardening Priorities:Getting Ideas for Your GardenSteal from the BestWhere to Find Information OnlineEssential Elements of Garden DesignShape and PatternExploiting Focal Points in the GardenGeometry in the GardenNatural Focal PointsPlants as Focal PointsDestinations as Focal PointsManmade Focal PointsA Sense of BalanceColor in the GardenColor schemesEffective Color UseSure-fire Color CombinationsTextureFragranceRepetitionPlotting Your Dream GardensTransfer Your Paper Ideas to the YardTips for Plotting Your New GardensAlternate MethodOnline Garden PlansSelecting Your PlantsThe Holy Trinity of PlantsAnnuals vs. PerennialsPlant Hardiness Zones and how they Affect PerennialsUSDA Plant Hardiness Zone MapAnnual Minimum Temperature RangeWorking Within Your BudgetPreparing your Garden BedsOutlining Your GardenOutlining Gardens with Straight EdgesOutlining Gardens with CurvesClearing the Garden BedClearing the Garden Bed the Easy WayTesting and Correcting Soil pHWhat is pH?Testing the Soil to Determine pH LevelCollecting Soil Samples for pH AnalysisWhen to sample the soilEquipment for Sampling SoilCollecting the Composite Soil SampleAmending your SoilAmending Acidic SoilAmending Alkaline SoilBeyond pH – Adding Nutrients to SoilWhen to Expect ResultsWhat’s Next?✔ 119 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the Teach youAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within a minuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.tags: garden, gardens, landscape, patio
Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1.3
Geek Zeek Apps
★★★★★ What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? ★★★★★✔ IBS Symptoms✔ What To Do First✔ When It’s Not IBS✔ Where The Truth Lies✔ Treatments: Overview✔ How To Manage IBS✔ Treatments To Be Considered✔ Stress And IBS✔ Why Stress Hurts✔ It Doesn’t Have To Be Food✔ Removing Stress✔ IBS And Your Diet✔ The Problems With Foods✔ Tracking Your Diet✔ Elimination Diets✔ Monitoring Intake✔ Common Portion Sizes✔ Tips For Eating Less✔ Over Limiting Yourself✔ The Best IBS Diet✔ Suggestions For All✔ Considering Fiber✔ Understanding Medication & Treatment✔ Prescription Medications✔ Medications Designed For IBS✔ Alternative Treatments✔ Why Use Alternative Treatments?✔ Complementary Therapies✔ Herbal Therapy✔ Movement Therapy and more....TABLE OF CONTENTS---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----IntroductionWhat Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?What is it?IBS SymptomsWhat To Do FirstWhen It’s Not IBSWhere The Truth LiesTreatments: OverviewHow To Manage IBSTreatments To Be ConsideredWhat’s What?How Do You Know?Stress And IBSWhy Stress HurtsIt Doesn’t Have To Be FoodRemoving StressIBS And Your DietThe Problems With Foods---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Tracking Your DietElimination DietsMonitoring IntakeCommon Portion SizesThat’s Not Enough!Tips For Eating LessOver Limiting YourselfThe Best IBS Diet Suggestions For AllConsidering FiberConclusionUnderstanding Medication & TreatmentThe First LineMedications Designed For IBSOther OptionsAlternative TreatmentsWhy Use Alternative Treatments?Complementary TherapiesHerbal TherapyMovement TherapyMind Body TherapyAcupunctureProbioticsAre Complimentary Therapies For You?PreventionConclusion: Your IBS To Do List✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: symptoms, ibs, what is ibs, stomach pain
Improve Your Credit Score Pro 1.0
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Discover a Revolutionary Approach to ImproveYour Credit Score to have a Happy Stress Free Life in a matter ofDays.❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:Table of ContentsIntroductionThe BasicsThe Best Ways to Boost Your Credit ScoreKeeping Your Credit Score SafeAvoid Common Credit Score MistakesDealing With Your Credit Report to Deal WithBuyer bewareDealing With a Credit Score after a Big ProblemDealing With Professional Credit HelpGeneral Good Financial Habits Build Good Credit ScoresThink Like a LenderDevelop an Organized Strategy to Repair Your Credit scoreLoans and Your Credit ScoreMake Credit Repair Easier on YourselfStudent Credit RepairDealing With DebtCredit Repair and Your EmotionsParting Credit TipsConclusionO━┳┳┳ • 209 Color Pages Inside ✰✰✰❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the Teach youAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within a minuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: credit check, credit report, credit score history, creditrating
Winning Business Grants 1.2
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✰✰✰ Why Some Grant Applications Almost AlwaysWin A Double Take And Get Approved More Often! ✰✰✰O━┳┳┳ • How To Write A Winning Grant Application In OneEvening!✰✰✰ Are you looking to secure extra money for your businessventure? ✰✰✰Don’t believe the hype. It’s NOT easy. More and more people areapplying to get cash for their business too. Competition isfierce!But there is a way to almost force your grant application tostick out from the pack. And boost your chances for winning yourfree grant.If you want to:✔ Hunt down and find the best Grant program for your specificneeds.✔ Create a stunning application that is sure to turn heads andbetter your odds.✔ Craft a realistic business plan to develop yourcredibility.✔ What NOT to do when writing your grant application.✔ and more…than this may be the most important letter you ever read!Dear Grant-Seeker,If a business grant is essential to lifting your venture off theground, you better not pull any punches with your application.You may have seen on TV that the government is just WAITING togive you free cash as a government grant. But the truth is, mostgovernment grants are given to medical and educational fields.Applying and winning a government business grant is hardwork!Here is just SOME of the insider techniques you will find:✔ 4 questions to ask yourself before you start your search for abusiness grant. (Page 4)✔ 6 tips for producing an application that’s ahead of the curveand likely to turn heads. (Pages 4-5)✔ The first place you should always look for government grants.(Page 6)✔ 3 alternative methods for seeking out the best grants theGovernment has to offer. (Page 6)✔ Do you really have to file progress reports if you win agrant? Maybe, and here’s what else. (Page 7)✔ The ultimate guide to every type of business grant out theretoday. Which ones fit your business plan? (Pages 7-10)✔ 5 things to do before you start writing your business plan.(Page 11)✔ 3 parts of your business plan to take care of first – thiswill get the ball rolling and make the rest seem to fall in toplace effortlessly. (Pages 11-12)✔ A simple technique for making your business plan morepersonal, focused, and way more powerful. (Page 12)✔ How to add strategic and competitive themes to your businessplan (that will really make it stand out). (Pages 13-14)✔ 9 parts to a successful business plan and how to knock theirsocks off with each one. (Pages 15-17)✔ Check your business plan against this complete sample. (Nowyou can make SURE you got it right.) (Pages 17-31)✔ 10 tips to follow while you’re searching for your grant (thatcould keep your business plans from going under). (Pages 31-33)✔ 2 reasons why you might want to hire a Grant advisor. (Pages33-34)✔ A sample grant application so you know what to expect. (Pages34-36)✔ How to spot common grant scams designed to steal your money.(Pages 36-38)✔ The 8 step-checklist for preparing your grant application.(Pages 38-40)✔ 6 final do’s and don’don’ts for your finished application.(Pages 40-41)✔ And there’s MUCH more – guaranteed!Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----IntroductionSmall Business Grant TipsImportant facts about grants and fundingTypes of Grant ProgramsYour Grant Proposal---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----The Business PlanTen Grant TipsGrant Consultants and AdvisorsWhat to expect – Sample Grant ApplicationAvoid Grant ScamsProposal Writing TipsSummary✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!tags: small business, funding, business plan, grant funding
The Forex Trading Guide 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
Start making big money with Forex tradingstarting Today!★★★★★ If you’re going to start making big money with forextrading… ★★★★★Then this may be the most important letter you’ll ever read!✰✰✰ You’re About To Learn The Secrets To Raking In MassiveAmounts Of Cash Forex Trading, No Matter How Much Time You Have HadTo Prepare! ✰✰✰It doesn’t matter if you’ve never had any past forex tradingexperience or education, This guide will tell you everything youneed to know, without spending too much brainpower!Dear Friend,Are you planning on forex trading in the near future? If so, payattention!There’s finally a new, breakthrough book created just for peoplelike you!And, if you really want to have the most successful, forextrading career that will bring a smile to your face, then this bookis definitely for YOU!I myself have forex traded for 5 years, but it wasn’t easy myfirst two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to comeacross. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know moreabout. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking andsearching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitivebook on forex trading!★★★★★ This Isn’t Like Any Other General or Generic Book On ForexTrading You Can Find In Any Store.. ★★★★★…On the internet, or even at your local library for thatmatter!This book covers everything there is to know about forex trading. In fact, some people have called it the “Forex Trading Manual“!It’s like having your very own forex expert that you canreference and ask questions anytime that you need to!You’ll uncover a wide array of tips including interesting factsthat made them what they are today!Here’s Just “Sneak-Peak” At What You’ll Uncover With Insider’sGuide To Forex Trading✔ Discover exactly what the stock market is all about.✔ Learn new stock market trends.✔ Find out how to understand currency conversion.✔ Discover forex volatility and market expectations.✔ Learn aspects of the trade.✔ The “Buzz” words that you need to know.✔ Discover several risk management factors you need to know.✔ Learn exactly how to read and interpret statistics.✔ Plus much MUCH More!Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Chapter 1: What The Stock Market Is All AboutChapter 2: Stock Market TrendsChapter 3: An Introduction To Forex---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Chapter 4: Understanding Currency ConversionChapter 5: Understanding StatisticsChapter 6: Forex Volatility & Market ExpectationChapter 7: Aspects Of The TradeChapter 8: Risk ManagementChapter 9: “Buzz” WordsChapter 10: Expert Trading OptionsChapter 11: Other Trading OptionsChapter 12: In ReviewChapter 13: One Final Option✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: trade, currency exchange, forex, fx, forex exchange
Avoid Procrastination 1.3
Geek Zeek Apps
Now YOU Can Finally Figure Out How to StopProcrastinating and Start Accomplishing. Order Today!★★★★★ Don’t put off another task, job or chore…by the time youfinish reading this guide, you’ll be able to handle ANYTHING put infront of you! ★★★★★Top Tactics To Easily Aviod ProcrastinationDead in its TracksExclusive Offer!Completely Unique Solutions to Fix That Procrastinating!Here is what you will learn inside this guide…✔ Why, exactly, do we procrastinate? In this chapter you’lllearn all about the situations that may cause you to procrastinate.It could be something simple, like not enjoying the task, or itcould be something much more deeply seeded…✔ What are the results of procrastination? Now that you know whyyou might be procrastinating, you’ll find out what can happen as aresult. Do you know how detrimental procrastination can be?✔ What is the “time box” technique, and could it be the solutionyou’re looking for?✔ Have you ever tried the A, B, C technique for solvingprocrastination? The above two are just a few techniques that canhelp put an end to procrastination. But not every technique worksfor every person…do you know which to choose?✔ And a lot more!Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----IntroductionChapter OneSome Reasons for Procrastinating---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Chapter TwoConsequences of ProcrastinatingChapter ThreeLearn How to Stop ProcrastinatingConclusion✰✰✰ Grab this for FREE Now! Because you have nothing to Loose.✰✰✰
Interview Tips Win Job 1.4
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❤❤❤ Get the Edge and Get the Job - NowFREE!❤❤❤★★★★★ "Your Complete Guide To Modern Interview Tips&Tricks"O━┳┳┳ • A Glance At The "Modern Interview Tips & TricksSecrets To Crack Interviews Successfully, includes:✔ Get The Edge And Stay Ahead Of All Your Competitors!!✔ Importance Of Knowing The Tips And Tricks for Interviews✔ Types of Interviews✔ Exit Interview✔ Lunch Interview✔ Panel Interview✔ Phone Interview✔ Skill Building to Crack Interviews✔ Tools and Miscellaneous You Need To Have✔ The Right 'Resume' - Significance and Importance✔ Preparing Properly for an Interview✔ What Role Does Appearance Play?✔ Tips To Gear Up - Pre-Interview✔ Things To Remember For The Interview✔ The Do's and Don'ts Of Interview✔ Modern Tips By Interview Experts✔ How To Close An Interview From Your SideComplete Guide To Modern Interview Tips & Tricks✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!tags: career,interview,job,work
Bonsai Trees 1.3
Geek Zeek Apps
Growing the Best Bonsai Tree's You FriendsandNeighbors will be Jealous with.★★★★★ Bonsai Tree ★★★★★★★★★★ The Art Of Trimming ★★★★★Sculpting And Pruning Bonsai Trees Is Becoming One Of TheFastestGrowing Hobbies In America For People With A ""GreenThumb"".Don't Be Left Out Of The Bonsai Sculpting Craze And Learn HowToMake Many Beautiful Bonsai Trees And Have Fun Also!"" Even IfYouThink You Have a “Black Thumb”, You Can Grow a Bonsai TreeAndAmaze Your Family And Friends! Learn And Master The Art OfBonsaiAnd Find Out Why The Japanese Revere This As a True ArtForm!The art of bonsai has been around for years. Its cultureisdeeply rooted in the Asian culture and it adds not only a touchofclass to your garden and home, but it also can provideabeautifully sedate focus for relaxation and meditation – rightinyour own home! This is the art of bonsai.You take a tree that is meant to grow many feet tall andallowingit only to grow a foot or two. Many people new to bonsaiare dauntedby the task that awaits them. After all, growing bonsaitakes time.It takes patience and diligence to craft your ownbonsai work ofart, and in a world of instant gratification likeours, it’s oftendifficult for people to wait to see results intheir work.You will learn so much about yourself and what you are capableofwhen you begin to start your bonsai journey. Patience is oneofthose things. Who couldn’t use more of that!? Even though thetreeis small, the rewards are HUGE! Some don’t know where tostart.With all the information that is available out there, it canbeconfusing.Be Confused No More! With the benefit of this book “BonsaiTrees:Growing, Trimming, Pruning, and Sculpting”, you can learnhow tocraft your own bonsai tree into a beautiful work of art.Insidethese pages, you will find tons of information to help youincreating a bonsai you can be proud of. Do you know:✔ The five styles of bonsai tree sculpting?✔ Whether bonsai should be grown inside or outside?✔ How to find which types of trees are best suited tobonsai?✔ How to make a tree stay small making it a true Bonsai?✔ How to sculpt the tree to make it look like you dreamitwould?Guess what? After you read this comprehensive guide, youwillknow all of these answers and so much more!---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction 4Bonsai History 8Bonsai Styles 15Formal Upright 17Informal Upright 19Slanting 21Cascade 23Semi-Cascade 25---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Growing Indoors or Outdoors (Pro Version) 26Bonsai Tool Box (Pro Version) 29Grow From Seeds or Buy Trees? (Pro Version) 32Trees Best Suited For Bonsai (Pro Version) 35What to Look For In Your Tree (Pro Version) 46Planting the Bonsai (Pro Version) 50Pruning and Trimming (Pro Version) 53Wiring (Pro Version) 58When to Wire (Pro Version) 64Watering and Fertilizing (Pro Version) 68Repotting the Bonsai (Pro Version) 70Seasonal Care (Pro Version) 77Displaying Your Bonsai (Pro Version) 80The Rest of the Story (Pro Version) 82Conclusion (Pro Version) 86Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: plants, trees, bonsai, bonsai how to
Dog Training Tips Free 1.4
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❤❤❤ High Quality Dog Training Inside! ❤❤❤★★★★★ ..."I'm speechless, how much I love this app. I havelearnso much about how my dog thinks"... ★★★★★High Quality Dog Training Inside!Grab this and have dog training advice and techniqueswhereveryou are.✔ Slick Flick through 53 Color Pages✔ Dog Training Full Course, Learn Everything you need to know.Here are some of the reasons why your dog will act out:✔ Your dog is not used to being separated from you for a periodoftime;✔ There is a lack of communication between you and your dog;✔ You are not reinforcing commands that your dog needstoobey;✔ You are not consistent with making your dog change theirbadbehavior patterns;✔ You are allowing others to do the opposite of how you aretryingto train your dog.There is a Solution...In this super dog training app, you will discover:✔ The importance of getting rid of your dog’s bad behaviors✔ Why biting should be stopped when your dog is still a puppy✔ How howling, whining and barking can be nerve wrecking andwhatyou can do about it✔ What you can do about your dog’s chewing problems✔ Why your dog jumping on other people can pose a problem andwhatyou can do about it✔ And much more!This guide will list some of the most common dogtrainingbehavioral problems that your dog may be dealing with. Youwillalso deal with some of the proven ways that you can get yourdog tochange their ways. Using this resource can be very beneficialandvaluable for you as your dog continues to grow.✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Tags: dog training, dog training at home, dog housetraining,course
Soccer Fitness 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
★★★★★ Get Fit For The Soccer Field In 10EasySteps starting Today! ★★★★★★★★★★ Discover the fitness secrets of the pros! ★★★★★With soccer season looming just around the corner it’s nevertooearly to start getting ready. Soccer is an intense game, andit’sgoing to take a lot of work on your part to make sure thatyou’reready to stay ahead of your competition out on thatfield.The question is, do you know what it is you have to do togetyourself in fit, fighting form before soccer season starts? Orareyou just aimlessly jogging around your block a couple of timesaday hoping that it will provide your muscles with theconditioningthey need to keep up with ninety minutes of fast paced,non-stopaction once you hit that turf?If you are among the latter group there are two things youshouldknow. One, that isn’t going to get you anywhere, and two,you’re ingood company. Many people do not realize that trainingfor acompetitive sport such as soccer which requires you to havehighlevels of endurance and cardiovascular fitness. Plus the workraterequired is much higher than the half hearted effort they maketoget in shape every New Year, before eventually deciding to throwinthe towel. If you are going to get serious about soccer, youneed toget serious about your fitness.We Can Help Put you On The Right Path!Fortunately for you, the process of getting in shape topplaysoccer is not a well guarded secret. You simply have to knowtheguidelines that the professionals use to get and keep theirbodiesfit so that they are ready for anything every time they stepoff ofthe sidelines. There are no magic powders and potions, nospecialtricks or gimmicks. Anyone can do it, if they are willing toput ina little time and effort.If you’ve got the time and are determined enough to put forththeeffort, we’ve got the knowledge. Many years of playing sportsandlearning the secrets of athletic success have put us in theuniqueposition of being able to offer an educated viewpoint onwhatexactly you need to do to ensure that you stay ahead ofyourcompetition. We’ll teach you...Here is what you will learn inside this guide....✔ The major mistakes that most individuals make when theyenterinto conditioning✔ What to eat to ensure that you get maximum results in aminimumamount of time✔ What not to eat while you’re in training, and why themedialies when they tell you their products are healthy✔ Basic soccer skills that will help you to keep a leg up onyourcompetition✔ Cross-training methods that will allow you to work yourentirebody✔ How to formulate a workout routine that will allow you to beintop form when you step out onto the field withoutkillingyourself✔ The importance of mixing up your work-out routine, and howtodo it so that neither you nor your body is bored✔ How to get back into the action after you’ve been injured✔ Ways to keep your body working in harmony✔ How to toss a little bit of fun back into yourworkoutroutine!✔ And a lot more!Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----IntroductionBuilding Up Your EnduranceCardiovascular Conditioning---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Consuming a Proper DietChanging Your Lifestyle to Help You Get FitEstablishing a Workout RoutineStop Eating Foods Which Claim to be Healthy but are ReallyOnlySlowing You DownYour Body is a Machine…Easy Drills to Get You StartedLesson 1: DribblingLesson 2: Drop KickingLesson 3: The Throw InLesson 6: Chest and Head BlocksLesson 7: PassingLesson 8: The Heel KickLesson 9: The Outside KickPlaying With InjuriesSprainsCuts and BruisesStrained MusclesBroken BonesYou Gotta Have Fun!✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: football, soccer, training programmes, soccerschool,football coaching
Dog Training Tips Pro 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
Discover a Revolutionary Approach toTrainingyour Dog for Happier Friendly Dog in a matter of Days.❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:Table of ContentsTRAINING YOUR DOGIntroductionUNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIORBitingProblems with ChewingPulling and Tugging on a LeashJumping on PeopleBeggingINAPPROPRIATE URINATIONExcitement UrinationSubmissive UrinationDISOBEYING COMMANDSNot Heeding the Owners CallChasing People, Objects and Other ThingsEscaping and RoamingAGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOROut and AboutDog FightingBAD BEHAVIOUR AT HOMEKeeping Your Dog out of the GarbageDigging Up Holes in the YardOBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD)The Cause of OCDWhining, Howling and Excessive BarkingConclusion✔ 58 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the TeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within aminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: dog training, dog training at home, dog housetraining,course
Keep Kids Occupied 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
Your Kids will have so much FUN withGreatIdeas for Indoor/Outdoor Activities★★★★★ The How and Why of this e-book: ★★★★★Being a mother of 4 gorgeous children ranging between the agesof4 and 15 years old, there’s quite often times when the kidsstart toget a little bit bored, and I have to come up with thingsto keepthem happy, entertained, and occupied.Throughout the years, we’ve come up with lots of things we candotogether as a family that don’t cost the earth. A lot of themareeven free.Some things we’ve thought up ourselves, other things areideaspassed down through generations and yet other things are whatwehave been lucky enough to learn about from various books,peopleand situations.At first I thought it would be hard work coming up with somanyideas for you to use and adapt to suit your own needs, but onceIgot started it actually turned out to be quite easy. The fewtimesI did get stuck, I just asked the kids what kind of thingsweusually do, and they were quick enough to remind me.I’m sure both you and your child/children (or evenyourgrandchildren) will find lots of great things to dotogether.Discuss the ideas within this book to see if they haveanyparticular wants and needs in the quest to cure their boredom,andthey may come up with even more things to do.I’ve compiled this book with my four children in mind, butdon’tworry if you only have one child. A lot of the things aretotallypossible for a single child, and you could always invite acoupleof his or her friends along to make it more fun.TABLE OF CONTENTS---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Great Ideas for Indoor Activities1. Story time2. Geant Easel3. Wax Creations4. Old Clothes5. Puppet Show6. Kitchen Fun7. Mini Worm Farm---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR1SUPER LOW PRICE ----8. Jewellery9. Create a Picture10. Board Games11. Ghost Stories12. Growing a Seed13. Indoor Crazy GolfGreat Ideas for Outdoor Activities14. Ribbon Sticks15. Garden Fun16. Picking Berries17. Organize a Treasure Hunt18. Vegetable Patch19. Nature Walks20. Borrow a Pet21. Camping Out22. Toy Sail Boats23. Neighbourhood Walk24. Ring TossIdeas for Travelling Activities25. 20 Questions26. Word Play27. I went to market28. Find the Place29. Car Colours30. Alphabet Soup31. Personal Bags32. Travel Diary✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: kids games, activities kids, children and activities,funfor kids
How to Play the Guitar Pro 2 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
Discover a Revolutionary Approach to HowtoPlay the Guitar like a Pro in a matter of Days!❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:Table of ContentsHistory of the guitarWhat are the different kinds of guitars?Learning the guitar lingoExploring the parts of a guitarHow to care for your guitarHow to Hold the GuitarMethods for tuning your guitarLearning chord structureHow to practice changing chordsHow to toughen up fingersHow to StrumLearning basic 4/4 rhythm strummingLearning 3/4 Rhythm StrumFeel the beat – how to get it goingWhat is the CAPOO━┳┳┳ • 111 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the TeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within aminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: guitar lessons, string guitar, beginners guitar,guitarinstruction
Happy Life Pro 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
Discover a Revolutionary Approach to LivingaHappy Life and Experience all the Bliss in life and have aHappyStress Free Life in a matter of Days❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:Table of ContentsChapter 1 – IntroductionChapter 2 – Happiness is a Choice You MakeChapter 3 – Questions to Ask YourselfChapter 4 – Peak Experiences and Existing TalentsChapter 5 – Using Curiosity & CreativityChapter 6 – BarriersChapter 7 – Goal SettingChapter 8 – Living Your PassionChapter 9 – Turning Passions & Goals into RealityChapter 10 – Final ConsiderationsChapter 11 – ConclusionO━┳┳┳ • 78 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the TeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within aminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: happy life, happiness, happy, life simple
Keep Kids Occupied Pro 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
Discover a Revolutionary Approach to KeepKidsOccupied Experience All the Benefits of Getting your Time Backas aParent all in a Matter of Days with this Book.❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:TABLE OF CONTENTSGreat Ideas for Indoor Activities1. Story time2. Geant Easel3. Wax Creations4. Old Clothes5. Puppet Show6. Kitchen Fun7. Mini Worm Farm8. Jewellery9. Create a Picture10. Board Games11. Ghost Stories12. Growing a Seed13. Indoor Crazy GolfGreat Ideas for Outdoor Activities14. Ribbon Sticks15. Garden Fun16. Picking Berries17. Organize a Treasure Hunt18. Vegetable Patch19. Nature Walks20. Borrow a Pet21. Camping Out22. Toy Sail Boats23. Neighbourhood Walk24. Ring TossIdeas for Travelling Activities25. 20 Questions26. Word Play27. I went to market28. Find the Place29. Car Colours30. Alphabet Soup31. Personal Bags32. Travel Diary✔ 24 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the TeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within aminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: kids games, activities kids, children and activities, funforkids
Low Carb Diet 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
O━┳┳┳ Low Carb and Health Guru Speaks Out“An Open Letter To Anyone Who Wants To Lose Up To 20 Pounds In30Days The ‘Low Carb’ Way”30-Day Low Carb Diet ‘Ketosis Plan’ has already helped scoresofpeople lose their excess pounds and inches faster and easierthanthey ever thought possible. Why not find out what 30-Day LowCarbDiet ‘Ketosis Plan’ can do for you by trying it out foryourselffor a full 30 days at my risk!Meet Scot Standke, author of the 30-Day Low Carb Diet‘KetosisPlan’ and webmaster at several of the fastest growing lowcarbwebsites online.Scot Standke best known for his wildly successful internetsites, and An avid low carberhimselffor over 10 years, Scot has lost over 100 lbs and also hasmanagedto maintain it for over 7 years now.His specialty is the easy induction style low carb diet, thathedesigned to blast away over 20 pounds in only 30 days. ScotStandkeis the writer of one of the webs most successful lowcarbnewsletters, claiming a subscription rate of over 10,000 strongandgrowing. Scot believes his 30-Day Low Carb Diet ‘Ketosis Plan’isso effective that virtually anyone can now lose weight fasterandeasier than they ever imagined.Dear Friend,I’ve developed something very powerful for the almosteffortlessremoval of stubborn bulging fatty deposits. In fact it’ssopowerful that, depending on how much you’re overweight, itallowsyou to lose up to 20 pounds of fat, flab and fluids in just30days, and amazing as it may seem, you can lose this awesomeamountof weight, while you are still allowed three very fillingmeals aday!Real meals, mouth watering delicious meals, meals that giveyouthat wonderful satisfying feeling that you’ve really eaten whenyouget up from the table. But, best of all, it’s based onscience,factual science, not false claims nor empty promises, andI’llstake my reputation on it.✔ NO calorie counting.✔ NO side effects, natural, gentle, safe.✔ NO caffeine, or harmful stimulants.✔ NO nervousness or irritability.✔ NO Unsafe Pills to takeYou see, being an astute student that specializes in weightlossand more notably the Atkins Version of the low carb diet formorethan 10 years, I’ve learned a great deal about how youcansuccessfully destroy your stubborn fat, once and for all! Howyoucan actually shed all your unwanted pounds and inches andreverseyears of over eating without the pain and effort you mayhavethought it once took. How you can definitely lose yourembarrassingfat and flab, even if you’ve failed time and timeagain!And my number one fat burning secret, the secret that hashelpedso many overweight people just like you lose weight the easywaycan be boiled down to simply this.No matter what you’ve been told – trying to lose weight thehardway, the way that requires tons of effort, deprivation, andlots ofwill power, just doesn’t work! It’s not counting calories orevenstarving yourself that really makes the difference between afatunhealthy-unattractive body, and a lean, healthy,beautifullyattractive body.Why? Because your body will compensate for radicallydecreasedcaloric intake and actually slow down the burning of fat.And evenworse, when you go off your starvation diet, your bodywillovercompensate and continue what’s called the“starvationresponse,” which in plain words means you can actuallygain backmore weight than you may have temporarily lost!Weight Is Managed, Not Cured!=========================================================✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!=========================================================Tags: nutrition, weight loss, diet foods, carbs
The Spirituality Course 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
✰✰✰ 13 of the Most Important LessonsofSpirituality in this Insightful Read for Spiritual Seekers ✰✰✰Imagine all the knowledge, wisdom and life experience ofallthese Spiritual Experts in one easy digestible course.Bringingtogether all the wisdom and knowledge from these masters inthisnew refreshing course.Here are some of the inspiring authors researched forthisbook,Gregg BradenGuy FinleyDr. Wayne DyerTony RobbinsByron KatieJoe VitaleLuanne OakesGary RenardJohn CummutaDeepak ChopraWayne DyerZig ZiglarDavid BachNapoleon HillSylvia BrowneDale CarnegieMarianne WilliamsonBarbara RoseDan MillmanRoger LoveSonia ChoquetteNeale Donald WalschDebbie FordDr. David HawkinsDr. Alberto VilloldoDick SutphenBasharEckhart TolleGerald EpsteinEsther and Jerry HicksHarvey MackayStuart WildeJack CanfieldJack ZufeltMark Victor Hansen ... and moreSpiritual Disciplines include “A Course in Miracles”,“TheKabbalah” and Raja Yoga (Brahma Kumaris)---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----IndexModule 1Your Past is creating your future 8Module 2Quantum Physics and Parallel Realities 11Module 3Dark to Light 15---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Module 4 (Pro Version)Your Perception is your Reality 17Module 5 (Pro Version)Your State is Everything 19Module 6 (Pro Version)Potential Unlimited 21Module 7 (Pro Version)More about synchronicity and the light 24Module 8 (Pro Version)Choice and Free Will 26Module 9 (Pro Version)The Rubber-Band Effect 31Module 10 (Pro Version)Re-framing Realities 34Module 11 (Pro Version)The Great Easter Egg Hunt 36Module 12 (Pro Version)Your Ideal life Now 38Module 13 (Pro Version)Your Ideal life 39Conclusion (Pro Version) 40✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!
ADHD Success Pro 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
Discover a Revolutionary Approach toManageyour ADHD for Success in matter of Days❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:✔ The details about what ADD is✔ That for different people it manifests in different waysand much more...✔ 67 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the TeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within aminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.tags:add,adhd, stress,depression
Improve Your Credit Score 1.3
Geek Zeek Apps
★★★★★ Boosting Your Credit Score is So Easywith these Secrets know-body will tell you! ★★★★★✔ Who Else Wants To Boost Their Credit Score — to RepairFinancial Damage Constantly Hanging Over Your Head?Does this Scenario Sound Familiar to You?✔ They’re smiling but they don’t trust you.✔ A polite nod here, a chuckle there. Meanwhile they’reanxiously waiting for your credit report. You now your credit scoreis hurting your chances of getting the loan — that’s why you had toadmit to some small financial mistakes in the past.✔ As you leave the office with that sick feeling telling youyou’ve already lost, they state the inevitable, “We’ll let youknow.”Less than perfect credit is not a permanent situation. If you’vemade financial mistakes in the past (and who hasn’t?) it’s not toolate to start repairing your credit today. When you know the littletips and tricks you can use to convince the credit bureau’s you’retrustworthy. .. you can leave the loan officer’s chair confidentthat the deal will have a happy ending. It’s all about knowing howto play the credit game. And you can play the game like a masterwith…✔ “Credit Score Confidential — Secrets Revealed to Improve YourCredit Rating and Boost Your Credit Score!”✔ It’s Not Too Late To Build A Credit Rating You Can Be ProudOf!Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----IntroductionThe BasicsThe Best Ways to Boost Your Credit ScoreKeeping Your Credit Score SafeAvoid Common Credit Score MistakesDealing With Your Credit Report to Deal With---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR 1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Buyer bewareDealing With a Credit Score after a Big ProblemDealing With Professional Credit HelpGeneral Good Financial Habits Build Good Credit ScoresThink Like a LenderDevelop an Organized Strategy to Repair Your Credit scoreLoans and Your Credit ScoreMake Credit Repair Easier on YourselfStudent Credit RepairDealing With DebtCredit Repair and Your EmotionsParting Credit TipsConclusion✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Grab it for FREE Today!!!Tags: credit check, credit report, credit score history, creditrating
Home Organizing Guide 1.3
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O━┳┳┳ The Key To maintaining a clutterfreehome Today for FREE!!!Unless you have some magical powers like Mary Poppins, youknowthat cleaning and organizing your home can be a daunting task.WithThe Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home that task willbecomemuch easier.Inside you will find practical tips and techniques to rid everyroomin your house of clutter and keep it that way.Do you shudder when you think of people coming over tovisitunannounced? Do you panic when you get a message on youransweringmachine that family is coming—and they left 4 hours ago(and it’s a5 hour trip)?Do you try to “clean” before your cleaning lady comes?Can you not afford a cleaning lady and try to do it yourself,endingup discouraged, frustrated, and thinking it’s justimpossible?The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home is your solution.Nowyou can dive right in with this easy to follow, room by roomguideto a clean and organized home.★★★★★ The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home is theultimateguide to maintaining a clutter free home. Order your copytoday!★★★★★The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home is delivered inPDFformat and is viewable on any computer. All you need isAdobeReader which is available free and already on mostcomputers.Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Getting StartedLet’s Get Moving!The Family Room/Living RoomThe Master Bedroom---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR1SUPER LOW PRICE ----The KitchenThe Dining RoomBathroomsYour Linen ClosetThe Study/Computer RoomHome OfficeThe BasementThe GarageKeeping Your Home OrganizedTags: organize, home decor, decorating home, cleaning home
Home Organizing Guide Pro 1.0
Geek Zeek Apps
Discover a Revolutionary Approach toHomeOrganizing with this Guide to have a Happy Stress Home Today!❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:Table of ContentsGetting StartedLet’s Get Moving!The Family Room/Living RoomThe Master BedroomThe KitchenThe Dining RoomBathroomsYour Linen ClosetThe Study/Computer RoomHome OfficeThe BasementThe GarageKeeping Your Home OrganizedO━┳┳┳ • 87 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the TeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within aminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: organize, home decor, decorating home, cleaning home
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Pro 1.0
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Discover a Revolutionary Approach toManageyour Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Experience All the BenefitsofLiving a Happy Stress Free Life starting Now!❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroductionWhat Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?What is it?IBS SymptomsWhat To Do FirstWhen It’s Not IBSWhere The Truth LiesTreatments: OverviewHow To Manage IBSTreatments To Be ConsideredWhat’s What?How Do You Know?Stress And IBSWhy Stress HurtsIt Doesn’t Have To Be FoodRemoving StressIBS And Your DietThe Problems With FoodsTracking Your DietElimination DietsMonitoring IntakeCommon Portion SizesThat’s Not Enough!Tips For Eating LessOver Limiting YourselfThe Best IBS Diet Suggestions For AllConsidering FiberConclusionUnderstanding Medication & TreatmentThe First LineMedications Designed For IBSOther OptionsAlternative TreatmentsWhy Use Alternative Treatments?Complementary TherapiesHerbal TherapyMovement TherapyMind Body TherapyAcupunctureProbioticsAre Complimentary Therapies For You?PreventionConclusion: Your IBS To Do List✔ 70 Color Pages Inside❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the TeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within aminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: symptoms, ibs, what is ibs, stomach pain
Anger Management Pro 1.1
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Discover a Revolutionary Approach toManageyour Anger and Experience All the Benefits of Dealing withyourAnger to have a Happy Stress Free Life in a matter of Days❤❤❤ Download this Full Book for Now 1 Low Price ❤❤❤This is the PRO version and contains the full book inside.Why, Because you get:✔ The Full Book✔ No Ads✔ Learn anywhere you go✔ 1 Low PriceHere is what you will get inside:Chapter one: Knowing How to Identify the Root of Your Anger 6Chapter Two: Anger Can Control Your Life 29Chapter Three: Taking Control of Your Anger 56Chapter Four: In Review 76❤❤❤ Remember Knowledge is Power! We create Apps the TeachyouAnything that you can take Anywhere! ❤❤❤Click on the Install Button, Download now, and within aminuteyou'll have this book in the palm of your hands.Tags: management, what is anger, how to anger management, howtocontrol anger
Real Estate Investing 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
✰✰✰ Start your Wealth in Real EstateStartingToday ✰✰✰★★★★★ Do You Really Want To Create Wealth And Enjoy It?★★★★★O━┳┳┳ • Discover How Real Estate Investments Can ExplodeYourWealth!Never Before Revealed Information!Dear Friend,This is a message for people who want to invest in realestateand don’t know how to get started…For people who want to acquire a proven wealth stream,realestate investing is a sure way to do it. Are you allowingbeingbroke take control of your life? If you are, get rid of the“beingbroke” mentality, once and for all.Think about this for a moment: Have you ever wondered whysomepeople are wealthier than others? They decided to take chargeoftheir life and work with a proven vehicle that would providethemwith the wealth streams that they desired. Real estateinvesting isone of the safe and legal ways that anyone who has a“want to” andact on it can have a wealth stream as well.This guide, Real Estate Investing – Everything You Need ToKnow!will provide you with the information you need to get you ontheroad to acquiring wealth. If you’re looking for a sure fire waytomake lots of money and willing to be patient, then realestateinvesting can be for you.In this report, you will discover the following:The answers you need to dramatically increase your incometoexponential levels you’ve never seen before. The longer youremainan investor, the more money you stand to make. You will havesomany properties that are bringing in monthly rental income,youwon’t know what to do with yourself!Some of the powerful advantages you’ll gain from investinginreal estate property, such as:✔ How appreciation of rental properties can work for you✔ How sweat equity can help with the value of your property✔ Why during times of inflation can be a good time tohaveproperty rentals✔ Why using “Other People’s Money” can benefit you✔ Why real estate investing can benefit you as beingstructuredas a business✔ How you can get cash “tax free”✔ What the 1031 Exchange is and how it can help your realestateinvestments✔ And much more!Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----Is Real Estate For You?Why People Invest In Real EstateUsing Real Estate Investments As Passive Or Residual IncomeWhy Real Estate Investing Continues To Have A MarketProfiting With Real Estate InvestmentsPurchasing Real Estate That Is UndervaluedHow To Avoid Potential Investment Dangers---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR1SUPER LOW PRICE ----Real Estate Investing: Full-Time Or Part Time?Hiring An InspectorMortgages For Real Estate InvestmentsCan You Be A Landlord?Screening Prospective Tenants For Your Rental PropertyCalculating Monthly RentHaving Repairs DoneBuying A Property That Will Generate Positive Cash FlowOther Tips About Real Estate InvestingResources✰✰✰ So why not grab your copy for FREE Today! ✰✰✰Tags: property for sale, investment, sale house, real state
Learn How to Draw 1.2
Geek Zeek Apps
Master Pencil Drawing withing a fewdays!★★★★★ Highlights of 'Pencil Drawing - The Beginner'sguide'★★★★★Learn the basics from the experts and you can never go wrong.Yes!The e-book gives you the opportunity to learn the basics ofpencildrawing from the masters of the art. Many people feel unluckytonot have a guide to teach the fundamentals of the art.Keepingtheir requirements in mind, I have included every minutedetailabout the art and woven them into the e-book called 'PencilDrawing- The Beginner's guide' The highlights of the art areasfollows:✔ Advantages and Disadvantages of Pencil Drawing✔ Brief history of pencil drawing - Famous artists andtheirworks✔ Tips on choosing the right kind and quality of materialsandtools✔ Detailed basics of pencil drawing✔ Perspectives in pencil drawing✔ Finishing touches in pencil drawing✔ Mixed media applications (How to be creative withcolorpencils)✔ Using pencils in oil paintingWhat's more? The book also contains tutorials and pictures whichcanfurther guide you to learn with the help of drawing. The e-bookiscreated in such a way that you will find my guidance with youatevery step of learning the art of pencil drawing.Table of Contents---- INCLUDED IN THIS FREE BOOK ARE: ----INTRODUCTIONWhat it takes to be a Good ArtistAdvantages and Disadvantages of Pencil DrawingBRIEF HISTORY OF PENCIL DRAWINGFamous Pencil Drawing Artists and their WorksThe Story of the PencilGETTING STARTEDMaterials and Tools: Choosing the Right Kind and QualityPencilEraserDrawing PadDrawing boardPaper Stumps or Cone BlendersPencil SharpenerRulerLEARNING THE BASICS IN DRAWING AND SKETCHINGHow to Hold the Pencil: The Different Pencil GripsTripod GripExtended GripUnderhand GripOverhand GripHow to Draw LinesFlat LinesAccent LinesContour LinesScumble/ScribblingCross Hatch LineSmudgePointillism---- WHY UPGRADE. BECAUSE YOU GET ACCESS TO ALL THIS BELOW FOR1SUPER LOW PRICE ----BASIC PERSPECTIVES IN DRAWINGAn Introduction on PerspectivesLinear perspectiveZero Point PerspectiveOne Point perspectiveTwo Point PerspectiveThree-Point perspectiveIsometric PerspectiveAtmospheric PerspectiveBASIC DRAWING SHAPESBASIC ELEMENTS OF LIGHT, SHADOWS, AND SHADINGLight, Shadows and Shadow BoxConstructing a Simple Shadow boxKinds and Quality of LightHard LightSoft lightBASIC ELEMENTS OF SHADINGThe Highlight or Full LightThe Cast ShadowThe HalftoneThe Reflected LightThe Shadow EdgeDIFFERENT SHADING TECHNIQUESRegular ShadingIrregular ShadingCircular ShadingDirectional ShadingHOW TO ADD TONES AND VALUESSome Tips on Tones and ValuesSome Examples on ShadingFINISHING TOUCHESErasing and DustingMIXED MEDIA APPLICATIONSHow color pencil can bring wonders in your black andwhiteworldUsing Watercolor Pencils and Oil PencilsWatercolor PencilsOil Colored PencilsDRAWING WITH PENCILS IN OIL PAINTINGPen and Ink DrawingHow Pencil Drawing Can Help in Your Wall PaintingCartoon DrawingTips on How to Draw FasterCONCLUSIONTags: how to paint, how draw, draw, how to sketch, artclasses